Thursday, April 15, 2010

Another Week

Jeff and I have been working so hard at the gym with Riley. I have to say that Riley is the perfet trainer. He is so nice that he can casually throw in more inclines, or increase the weight that we are lifting, without me telling him no. He just subtley sneaks it in. I only have 3 more weeks of the school semester left and then my evenings will be mine again! I am very grateful that the weather is getting nice again so that we can work outside in the yard and take nice long walks. Riley has set a goal for us to be down 3 more pounds by Monday. Jeff only has one more pound to go this week. He is rockin' it. I still have 3 more to go. I am going to give it all I got at the gym tonight and then stay really focused this weekend to make sure that my workout is meaningful and that I control what goes into my mouth.

This is such an awesome program to be a part of. We love seeing the other teams at the gym and seeing the great success that you are having. Team Pink is usually at the gym when we are training...look at their faces....they are totally slimming down and look fabulous!! What great motivation that is for me!